
  • Alerts are used to highlight sections of contents. There are four types of colors used throughout our documents:

    • primary stands for definitions,
    • info indicates general highlights,
    • warning shows potential causes of errors,
    • danger points to misuse, and
    • success stands for best practices.
  • Buttons are used for linking resources.

    • successrefers to other pages,
    • primary means data.

hello warning

a quote as a warning. This would be awesome. This is not really working for us :( This quote should be handled correctly. this is achieved by the markdown=1 attribute, which surprisingly also works in moodle!

Moodle folks support markdown=1 but not markdown="1". Moodle will then start rendering a Page or text field in a way that it is no longer useful. Jupyter Notebooks don’t support mixing HTML and inline markdown at all. GitHub has its own way of mixing markdown inside HTML tags. However, this approach is only supported by GH, but not even on github pages. On the other hand, github markdown no longer supports bootstrap css classes.


We use buttons to highlight important links, such as pointers to subchapters. For buttons and alerts we have a smal compatibility layer for bulma so we can use bootstrap classes. This makes it easier to load the same markdown in moodle.

Moodle uses fontawesome 4 and we should use these icons.

This is a button

The initial theme uses fontawesome 5, but we switched it back to 4 to be as compatible to our moodle theme as possible.

This is another button

We can have special Buttons directly in markdown as shown below. It is important to remember that Moodle does not allow such trickery. Thus, we can use only the above strategy for course material. The following example will only work on webpages.

[<i class="fa fa-home"/> Back to Home]({: .btn.btn-success}

Note that css attribute work only with links. However, we should not use them, because moodle markdown does not render them, just like github markdown. having such links is only useful for resources that are confied to a page.

The result is the following link:

Back to Home